Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Alumni Spotlight: Grace Novacek

Name: Grace Novacek            
High School:  Hopewell High School (Aliquippa,PA)
Years played/attended LHU:  2009-2013                                Positions played:  MB1   
Degree/Major:  Sport Administration
Current Job:  Head women's volleyball coach at Bay Path University
Current Hometown:  Springfield, MA                      
Family: Jim & Julie; 3 sisters: Joyce, Becky, & Janice

1.        Share with us a few of your fondest memories at Lock Haven.
Most of my good memories at LHU involve the fall, because that's when it's the prettiest on campus and that's when I got to play volleyball. 

Once before a spring tournament my sophomore year, I set my alarm for 6 PM instead of 6 AM and would've missed the whole tournament, but my setter Alexa threw rocks at my window and pounded on my apartment door, waking me up and successfully saving my life.  I also have fond memories of being a tutor, studying in the library with teammates, and running on the levee by the Susquehanna river. 

2.       What were your greatest accomplishments on and off the court at LHU?
Improving every year was my greatest accomplishment on the court.  Also, I liked when I was ranked 7th in all-time blocks for LHU.  It's cool to be on that list of so many phenomenal people.   
Off the court, my favorite accomplishment was when I received the Honors Senior Student of the Year award.

3.       What did playing volleyball at Lock Haven enable you to accomplish?
Playing volleyball helped me learn some good life skills and make healthy choices.  It also helped improve my  time management skills, resulting in higher grades.  Also, playing volleyball enabled me to travel to really great places, like Colorado and Florida, and make a lot more friends.

4.       What does being a part of the Lock Haven Volleyball family mean to you?
It means always having a support system on-campus and now for the rest of my life.  Again, I have made many life-long friends that I would have never met without volleyball connecting us.

5.       Who are some of the people at LHU that you are most thankful for?
I am very thankful to all of my volleyball coaches at Lock Haven who taught me how to be a better player and are now helping shape my own coaching career through good example.  All LHU coaches, and my academic advisor, Dr. Patricia Lally, have had the most significant impact on helping me to set and achieve a wide variety of goals. 

I am also thankful for all of my teammates who have helped me become a better athlete and a better role model.  I am thankful for my closest friends at Lock Haven:  Kelsey Prommel, Jeff Lesko,  Alexa Garrity, Bailey Farthing, and Caroline Acosta. 

Tyler Kanelos also deserves his own line of thanks because, during my senior year at Lock Haven, he gave me the best thing to be thankful for by introducing me to the love of my life.  Thanks Tyler; you're the best!

6.       What is the greatest lesson you learned being an athlete at Lock Haven?
Trying to be perfect on the court will only leave you disappointed, but taking risks in practice and during games will help you have more fun and become more confident.  This can lead to better post-season play, or help you succeed when your team needs you in tough situations.  That was a pretty good lesson I learned and it really helped me to enjoy playing so much more!  

Also, just because you are working out a ton in season doesn't mean you can eat a lot of dessert.

7.       What advice would you give to a senior student-athlete leaving LHU for the real world.

Don't lessen things you have accomplished during your time at Lock Haven.  Being a student-athlete at Lock Haven is a big deal.  Be proud of yourself and know that you are competent and capable of achieving any goal you set. 

8.        What advice would you give to a freshman coming in to Lock Haven?
Join as many clubs/student groups as you can.  My particular favorite (outside of playing a sport) was LHU's Global Honors Program.  You'll have the opportunity to meet more quality people and make more friends if you put yourself out there!  Also, I liked studying abroad over the summer in London/Paris.  Look around for those opportunities.

In addition to that small piece of advice, my motto throughout my time at Lock Haven was "Thursday is not the weekend."  I think that speaks for itself and is particularly important.