Monday, November 19, 2012

Haven Falls to Gannon in PSAC Finals

This past weekend we made it to the championship game against Gannon in the PSAC finals. We went into the game with the utmost confidence and ambition. We had our game plan under wraps and we knew exactly what we needed to do. We executed strongly in the first two sets against them, coming back in the first game from a 7 point deficits. Everything seemed to be going our way for these first two games and then the tables turned. We started to panic it felt like and we again were down by 7 points. It felt like we were not in control of the game anymore, even though we were up 2 games to 1. We lost all of our momentum and the game started to turn the other way. We continued to fight throughout the next 3 games but we fell in all of them. The feeling after that game was heart breaking, watching the title slip right through our fingers. But we have to look ahead to regionals. We know exactly what we have to do to beat Gannon when we face them again in the regional tournament. Although we fell short of one of our goals we still have the biggest one yet to accomplish! 



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