Monday, November 19, 2012

LHU Beats CalU in Five Set Thriller

Friday evening we traveled to Erie, PA to play the semi-final match of the PSAC championship against CalU.  We knew going into this we would have a good battle to face and conquer, especially after beating them earlier in the season. We were prepared for Cal getting revenge on us.  We had the opportunity to practice earlier that morning at Gannon, and it was a very intense and productive practice which got us ready for our game later that evening.  We played very well in the five-set match and ended up finishing with a 3-2 win over Cal.  We all played well and everyone played together.  It is great to see our team thrive in games like this, being forced to play our game and to put pressure on the other team and not just coast through games.  Our energy was very high during all five games and we were pushed beyond what anyone expected. It was great getting to be a part of a game like this after always having a rivalry with them and finally coming out on top.  After this game we knew we had to get ready for the finals against Gannon University. 



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