Thursday, April 18, 2013

Eagles Head to Bucknell for Final Spring Game

This week we  have been preparing to take on Bucknell this Friday. We started the week off by watching film of ourselves from our past tournament at St. Francis. Taking time to sit down as a team and to discuss our goals and watch film is a great way to learn. Seeing ourselves and going over what was wrong or right about the play is the best way to learn and understand exactly what we are doing. This process can go far with helping us achieve great things. Hearing and also seeing the criticism good or bad will only help us in the end.  On Tuesday we broke down different skills that we all needed to get better at like block/defensive moves. Throughout the week we focus on our individual goals and our team goal to “Get better today.” At the end of the week we work on playing a lot of game like drills and six on six games. By doing all these things and getting better each day we are ready to walk into Bucknell with confidence and give 110% each play and to have fun. 


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