Friday, June 21, 2013

20 Question and Answers

    Toryn is a junior middle blocker and majoring in athletic training. 

  1. Why did you come to Lock Haven University?

I came to Lock Haven because of the family environment that I felt when I came to visit the team, also I wanted to major in athletic training and we have one of the best programs in the state.

2.       What celebrity would you like to hang out with for a day? Why?

I would love to hang out with Rihanna for a day, she is my favorite singer, I even dressed up as her for Halloween. I feel like she would be really fun to hang out with, and it would be an eventful day.

3.       What is your least favorite food?

I really do not like any vegetable, I’m not sure why but I just think they don’t have any taste.

4.       If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?

I would love to live in Oklahoma, I am a true country girl at heart and I would love to have a ranch and just live out in the country!

5.       What is your most embarrassing moment?

My most embarrassing moment would have to be during a basketball game when I was in 8th grade I shot at the wrong basket, not only did I shoot but I missed rebounded myself and shot again to make the shot. Everyone was yelling at me that it was the wrong basket but I guess I just blocked everyone out. It was pretty embarrassing but we still won so I didn’t feel too bad.

6.       What is your biggest pet peeve?

My biggest pet peeve would have to be when people eat my food. The great thing is I have a roommate that does this exact thing ALL THE TIME! (Kaleigh Hudak) (:

7.       Who is your role model?
My role model would have to be Kevin Durant, he is an amazing athlete and what he works for is all internal. He never though he would make it to the NBA or even to college but when his role model, his AAU coach when he was younger, passed away he did all that he could to make it just for him. His work ethic is incredible and he is so inspiring.

8.       What is your favorite pro sports team?

I have 2, my favorite professional football team is the Washington Redskins, and my favorite professional basketball team is the Oklahoma City Thunder.

9.       What do you like most about game day?

The adrenaline rush that I feel on game day is my favorite part, seeing everyone in the stands gets me so pumped up and ready to play.
10.   What are your pregame rituals?

I always listen to the Vince Lombardi speech! I also wear two pairs of socks.

11.   How do you want people at LHU to remember you?

I hope to be remembered as the funny, always smiling, hardworking, jokester that puts all she has into everything she does, and will do anything for her team/friends.

12.   What is one thing people don’t know about you?

My sister was born on my 6th birthday, and I have an alligator as a pet.
13.   What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?

I would have to say that I absolutely dislike grave diggers with a great passion!

14.   What is your favorite food?

I really like crab legs, and seafood.

15.   Who can you do a good impression of?

I don’t do very good impressions.
16.   What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?

To win the NCAA tournament!

17.   What is your dream job?

To be the athletic trainer for the Oklahoma City Thunder or Washington Redskins
18.   My friends would describe me as…

Fun, crazy, loud, outgoing, and constantly eating.

19.   I could not live without…


20.   On road trips I always bring…

Snacks, and my Ipod (:

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