Friday, June 28, 2013

20 Question and Answers

Beth is a junior defensive specialist from Erie, PA.  

1. Why did you come to Lock Haven University?
I chose Lock Haven because of its tradition of excellence on the court and in the classroom.

2. What celebrity would you like to hang out with for a day? Why?
Anne Hathaway or Rihanna. Both are extremely talented and value their individualism.

3. What is your least favorite food?
Definitely, cactus; it tastes like hard hair gel.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
I would live in a plane so I would never have to settle anywhere. If I had to settle, it would be somewhere warm and my house would be on the beach.

5. What is your most embarrassing moment?
It’s a daily occurrence. I couldn’t possibly choose one. 

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
That technology is replacing face to face communication. 

7. Who is your role model?
My older sister, Natalie.

8. What is your favorite pro sports team?
Pittsburgh Steelers

9. What do you like most about game day?
The competitive atmosphere and being with my teammates.

10. What are your pregame rituals?
Listening to loud, obnoxious music.

11. How do you want people at LHU to remember you?
I want them to remember me as the girl who was full of life and energy.

12. What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I want to learn how to play the piano.

13. What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?
I speak for everyone when I say Gravediggers.

14. What is your favorite food?

15. Who can you do a good impression of?
My teammate Lauren Dentler- all I have to do is speak in a monotone.

16. What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?
I want to win the PSAC tournament with my teammates.

17. What is your dream job?
Working for Doctors Without Borders. It’s perfect for me. I want to travel and help people.

18. My friends would describe me as…
A mom- I am always looking out for my friends.

19. I could not live without…
VS, Charlotte Russe, or H&M.

20. On road trips I always bring…
My phone and headphones so I can listen to Pandora

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