Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Internship in Boston

Anyone can tell from my ghostly pale skin that I have been having an atypical summer. Instead of being home, enjoying the warm, sunny days at Lake Erie, I have been in Boston for an internship. No amount of sun could make me regret my choice to take on this experience working in the Harvard Hospital system. I shadow several doctors throughout the week during their clinical rotations, and on their off days, I help with their research. I am grateful for their time, patience and belief in my abilities. They push my boundaries and allow me to succeed. The highlight of my summer thus far was successfully diagnosing my first patient in the ER (with the supervision of one of the doctors of course) and contributing to a study with the potential of being published in several reputable journals.

I look forward to getting back onto the court this coming fall, and having afternoon/night practices. Since my commute is about an hour to an hour and a half via train every day, I have been waking up at 5 am to get to the gym. Let’s just say I am relieved to have coaches who do not like to have morning practices! 


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