Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stephanie Spends Her Summer in The Haven

This summer I decided to live in Lock Haven due to the job that I have at the Student Rec Center.  I have been working 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, and unfortunately that's really all my day consists of.  On the weekends I will get together with my friends who are also living up here and we usually try to go floating down the Susquehanna River (but that's just about as exciting as it gets).  I went to Wildwood NJ for a weekend with Lauren, and on the fourth of July I will be getting together with some more teammates and making a trip to Philadelphia for a few days.  Other than that I do not have anything else planned, but occasionally I will visit my friends in their hometowns or go home so I can see my family.  Lets hope everyone else is having a more exciting summer than I am!


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