Saturday, December 29, 2012

Update on Beth's Winter Break

My plan for break is rest, maintain and improve in that order (when you have a break as long as six weeks, you have to have some sort of plan). The first week I was home was dedicated to resting physically and mentally. I slept for what seemed days, ate whatever my body needed and made sure I did nothing mentally taxing or stressful. It would be logical to call it recuperating, but to me it felt almost as if I was hibernating like a bear.

After a solid week of doing nothing, I was itching to start moving around again. I began maintaining the shape I was in during the season. Light cardio, plyometrics and weight lifting every other day has helped me get back into the swing of things without hurting my body. Not to mention, this maintaining-training will make for a smooth transition as I try to improve. In a couple of days our team workouts will start, which will improve each of us individually to benefit the team as a whole. I have no doubt that this conglomeration of plyometrics, sprints and abs will get us in position to improve ourselves from last year.

Preparing for the spring season is not just about getting in physical shape. Don’t get me wrong, it is a large piece of the puzzle; However, you can’t see the whole picture if pieces are missing. Preparing for spring is about creating a healthy environment for yourself so you are in the best possible position to improve. For example, the more I sleep, the better I eat and the less stress I have in the spring will put me in the best possible position to get better when training comes along. Getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet now will only benefit me in a month when practice begins. As for stress, I can minimize it by getting organized for the spring semester over break when I have plenty of time to spare.

Being home for break has been wonderful. I get to see all of my family and friends and celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I can’t lie, it’s tempting to not do workouts, eat all of the holiday cookies and forget about my responsibilities to a university four hours away. Nevertheless, I simply can’t when I think of all of my teammates and coaches who are working hard every day to improve our team. Not only am I grateful, but also lucky. With that said I am working hard now and preparing for the spring- and I can guarantee my teammates are too. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Toryn's Winter Break

Now that the off season had started and we are on our own for the next few weeks keeping up with workouts tends to become difficult! For myself personally I have been working out since I came home, trying to put in a little weight and change my speed for the better. Starting this coming Monday we have a team workout that the coaches gave us to do over the last three weeks. On top of that I will do a little extra lifting just to stay in shape. I am looking forward to the spring season and seeing what it hold for us. If gives us a chance to try different line ups and see what is going to work for us in he upcoming season! Although I would much rather be working out with my team at this time, being home and working at my own pace on things I need to work on is also a great opportunity! 


Friday, December 21, 2012

Kendra's Winter Break Plans

After finals week, the 6 week winter break is very much needed.  I plan to visit family as much as possible and get together with friends from high school. I am trying to go to Times Square on New Years with my cousin to see the ball drop.  But beside that, no major plans, just kind of a relaxing break and preparing for our spring season.  We were given a workout plan to do to get us in shape for what the spring season is about to bring.  Last year we worked really hard in the off season and plan on doing the same this year.  I am also very excited to see the team again and to start the New Year off great when we return to Lock Haven for classes and workouts.  It will be great to get back in the gym and to see everyone working hard for the 2013 season.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Holiday Season!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kaleigh's Plans for Christmas Break

            I don’t really have any major plans for break except for getting ready for the spring. I do plan on spending time with my family and friends and helping my mom finish getting everything set up in our new house. I will also do some observing hours in my old high school Freedom, and I will probably go in and help my mother with her third grade class. My main plan is to get myself prepared for our spring season when I get back from break. I have already been doing the work out that was planned and hopefully I will be able to play a little over break as well. The last thing I am going to do is watch as much volleyball as I can!!! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Lock Haven Ends Season with Loss to Clarion

This past week was a big week for our team. Making it to the regional tournament was a big deal and we had all the intentions to go make it back to West Florida for the Elite 8. In our first match up of the tournament we unfortunately fell to the Clarion Golden Eagles. We had planned to make it past Clarion, but the opportunity had slipped us when Clarion sealed the win this Thursday night. The sets in our match were very close and we all undoubtedly wanted to win. When it came down to it, Clarion executed their plays better than us and seemed to play more like they had nothing to lose. Our offense seemed to come out slow and didn’t recover to equal Clarion the rest of the match. 


Senior Gao Xuan