Saturday, December 29, 2012

Update on Beth's Winter Break

My plan for break is rest, maintain and improve in that order (when you have a break as long as six weeks, you have to have some sort of plan). The first week I was home was dedicated to resting physically and mentally. I slept for what seemed days, ate whatever my body needed and made sure I did nothing mentally taxing or stressful. It would be logical to call it recuperating, but to me it felt almost as if I was hibernating like a bear.

After a solid week of doing nothing, I was itching to start moving around again. I began maintaining the shape I was in during the season. Light cardio, plyometrics and weight lifting every other day has helped me get back into the swing of things without hurting my body. Not to mention, this maintaining-training will make for a smooth transition as I try to improve. In a couple of days our team workouts will start, which will improve each of us individually to benefit the team as a whole. I have no doubt that this conglomeration of plyometrics, sprints and abs will get us in position to improve ourselves from last year.

Preparing for the spring season is not just about getting in physical shape. Don’t get me wrong, it is a large piece of the puzzle; However, you can’t see the whole picture if pieces are missing. Preparing for spring is about creating a healthy environment for yourself so you are in the best possible position to improve. For example, the more I sleep, the better I eat and the less stress I have in the spring will put me in the best possible position to get better when training comes along. Getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet now will only benefit me in a month when practice begins. As for stress, I can minimize it by getting organized for the spring semester over break when I have plenty of time to spare.

Being home for break has been wonderful. I get to see all of my family and friends and celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I can’t lie, it’s tempting to not do workouts, eat all of the holiday cookies and forget about my responsibilities to a university four hours away. Nevertheless, I simply can’t when I think of all of my teammates and coaches who are working hard every day to improve our team. Not only am I grateful, but also lucky. With that said I am working hard now and preparing for the spring- and I can guarantee my teammates are too. 


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