Tuesday, July 2, 2013

20 Question and Answers

Cody is a junior outside hitter from Johnsonburg, PA. 

1. Why did you come to Lock Haven University?
I came to Lock Haven because I really liked the location and size of the school. The science department is great and the volleyball program is really good.
2. What celebrity would you like to hang out with for a day? Why?
I’d probably pick to hang out with the cast of Duck Dynasty.

3. What is your least favorite food?
I don’t like to eat fried/fast food unless I have to.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
I would live in a rural area, preferably on a farm. Small town atmospheres are so much more personal, and life is simpler.

5. What is your most embarrassing moment?
I always get made fun of for the time in spring training my freshman year when we did wall sits then had to sprint, and my legs stopped working and I couldn’t run. And every once in a while Tyler or Dan brings up the time we were at West Chester and I hit an overpass out of bounds (not into the stands).

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hate being around anything that is disorganized or dirty.

7. Who is your role model?
My Gramy is my role model and best friend. We’re so much alike it’s ridiculous. She’s never let me down and has always been there for me. She always supports me and encourages me to find my own way through this world.

8. What is your favorite pro sports team?
I don’t really watch professional sports.

9. What do you like most about game day?
My favorite part of game day is actually getting to play. It’s what we train all week to do.

10. What are your pregame rituals?
I always make sure I have gum, and usually listen to my ipod before warm ups start.

11. How do you want people at LHU to remember you?
I’d want to be remembered as the girl who worked hard and didn’t change to fit in.

12. What is one thing people don’t know about you?
My favorite color is blue, not camo.

13. What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?
I hate grave diggers.

14. What is your favorite food?
Gramy’s cabbage and noodles is my absolute all-time favorite.

15. Who can you do a good impression of?

16. What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?
I want my team to win a PSAC championship before I graduate.

17. What is your dream job?
I would like to work outside, like in the woods.

18. My friends would describe me as…
My friends would probably tell you that I like to have fun, work hard, and am really sarcastic.

19. I could not live without…
If I didn’t have my car, I would probably go crazy.

20. On road trips I always bring…
I have to have my bumblebee pillow pet and my ipod.

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