Tuesday, September 3, 2013

20 Questions and Answers

Sarah is a freshman outside hitter from Hunlock Creek, PA. 

1. Why did you come to Lock Haven University?
I came to Lock Haven because I really enjoy what the school has to offer. They have good classrooms, nice facilities, and they have a tremendous volleyball program. It is also a smaller school which is something that I was looking for in a college.

2. What celebrity would you like to hang out with for a day? Why?
I would want to spend a day with Mariah Carey. She is beautiful, talented and has an amazing voice. Who wouldn’t want to spend a day with her?

3. What is your least favorite food?
It’s hard to pick a least favorite food because I like all kinds of food, but if I had to pick on I would say any kind of nut. Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, you name it I don’t like it. I don’t like the taste, the texture or anything about them.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
If I could live anywhere it would be Hawaii. Do I even need to explain why? It is beautiful and perfect there in every single way. I mean, I’ve never been there before but I have seen pictures of it! it would be like a lifelong vacation.

5. What is your most embarrassing moment?
This one is a very tough one, considering I happen to embarrass myself 24/7. Other than slipping and falling, dropping and spilling things quite often, I can name an embarrassing moment that I had this past track season. For track and field districts, I ran the 100 meter hurdles and I needed a sticker with the number 6 to put on my uniform since I was in lane I asked the person distributing the numbers, “Can I have a number 6, sir?” The person then looks up at me and says, “I’m not a sir, I’m a ma’am” with a pretty scary look on her face. Needless to say it was very awkward.

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people exaggerate or lie about any accomplishment. Also, if they aren’t very talented at whatever they do, when they brag about how “amazing” they are, it really bothers me.

7. Who is your role model?
My role model would have to be my mother. She has done so much for me over the last 17+ years of my life. She always does everything that she can for me and sister, even if it is a heavy burden for her. I really appreciate her and I hope I can be half the woman she is someday.

8. What is your favorite pro sports team?
Pittsburg Penguins all the way!

9. What do you like most about game day?
I love feeling so pumped, excited and focused on game days that I can’t even concentrate on anything else going on.

10. What are your pregame rituals?
Some of my pregame rituals are listening to music that really gets me pumped up, focusing on how I want the game to turn out and what I want do during the game. I also like to have fun with my teammates and relax so there isn’t a buildup of pressure.

11. How do you want people at LHU to remember you?
I want to make a good impression on my classmates, make many friends, and have them remember me in a positive way.

12. What is one thing people don’t know about you?
A lot of people don’t know that I am deathly afraid of clowns. They are so scary!

13. What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?
My least favorite weight room exercise would have to be leg extensions.

14. What is your favorite food?
My favorite food would have to be pasta with vodka sauce.

15. Who can you do a good impression of?
I can do a pretty good impression of Cher.

16. What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?
I want to make a huge impact on the volleyball team, make a lot of new friends, and get a great education.

17. What is your dream job?
Physical Therapy is my dream job.

18. My friends would describe me as…
My friends would describe me as athletic, nice and outgoing. Unfortunately my better friends would describe me as weird.

19. I could not live without…
My friends, family and pets, they mean absolutely everything to me.

20. On road trips I always bring…

I always bring a cell phone charger, a book or magazine, and good music to listen to.

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