Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bailey's Winter Break

Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the "huge sigh of relief" that comes after Christmas as much as I am. However, it is kind of sad packing away all of our Santa decorations and stripping the tree of its ornaments because I love how fun and festive the holidays are. I've enjoyed every minute of cookie baking, searching for presents and driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights! Now that we have snow I can really get down to business in the traditions of snowman building. Maybe this year I'll have to hang up the sled because I'm getting too old for this! 

Toryn couldn't have said it better. As much as I would love to be working out with my team right now, it is great for me to be able to exercise back home. A majority of my high school classmates and I all go to our local rec center to workout. We often run into each other and catch up on our fall semester and we like to compare the winter workouts our coaches have given us. Last spring my teammates and I really pushed ourselves and it made the environment amazing. The excitement and anticipation of last spring has been pushing me through this winter break. I can't wait to see what we are all going to produce!

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