Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alex Transitions from Volleyball Season to Basketball Season

Over winter break I have been up at Lock Haven the whole time playing basketball. We are half way through the season now and only have west play left. We have been having two practices a day and two games every week. The games use to be back to back on Friday and Saturday. Now that we are in the west play the games are now on Wednesday and Saturday. Having games spread out like that really helps us focus on one team at a time and helps us be prepared. We also have lifting after certain practices to keep or bodies in shape so we don’t get weak or injured. Over break I have been really focusing on playing hard to keep in shape and get in even better shape.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stephanie's Break

In order to prepare for this upcoming off season, the team has received a weekly workout packet for our Christmas break.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days that we workout and we have a break on Tuesday and Thursday.  M-W-F have set workouts including the number of reps/sets that need to be completed. I have been going to my high school gym in order to get that done and I incorporate cardio beforehand.  Although we have off Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been doing my own workouts at home, whether its a workout DVD, running around my neighborhood, or simply doing abs.  Unfortunately, this past week I caught a fever along with strep throat so I have not been myself, nor have I done physical activity.  I am now feeling 100x better than I did, so later this afternoon I will start back up with my workouts and get back on track.  Other than working out I've been visiting my hometown, Upper Darby, which is right outside of Philadelphia.  I grew up there for 14 years until I moved to Lancaster County. I'm so glad I got to catch up with old friends.  For Christmas/New Years, my parents planned a trip to Disney World and it was my first time going.  We took a train to get there and back home, and each ride was 21 hours.  I slept most of the time so it went quick for me. It was great getting away from the cold  weather, being able to hang out with my family, and having no worries for a week.  I also got some tan lines during my time down there which I'm very happy about.  All around I've had a great relaxing break and I can't wait to see all of my friends back at Lock Haven.

-Stephanie Doherty 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Lauren is Preparing for the Spring

Spring season is very important preparation for the upcoming volleyball season. It gives us a chance to improve upon our weaknesses so they can become our strengths in the fall. Our last spring season went very well. We all devoted a lot of time and energy in the off-season, which is why we were successful this fall. Over the course of winter break the team received a specific workout plan that has been very beneficial to staying in shape. Our workout plan consists of circuit training workouts to increase our speed, agility, and muscular strength. Most of our workouts are body weight-based exercises. Most of our days have six or more exercises that will have approximate 25 reps, or less depending the type of exercise, and we will do 4-6 sets of each exercise.  One day in the series will consist mostly on upper body, while the next day will be focused strictly on abdominal muscles or lower body days. Some days will consist of all three.  In a few days we will work out the same muscles groups but by doing new and different exercise.  My biggest challenge were the days involving jumping and landing but luckily there was minimal jumping most of the days. What I liked most about this workout was the different daily exercises because they were always changing to work all different muscles in different ways.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Laura's Winter Break

It is a long winter break we have this year, long time away from school and the team. Over break I am trying to do as much as possible with my friends and family. Hang out and catch up on stuff I have missed from being away all semester. It's great having all this time to have fun, hang out, relax, and start working for the spring coming up. 

I am making sure I get a workout in everyday and doing our winter workout every other day. I’m preparing for the spring as if it's a fresh start, a new time to show myself. I’ve been working on my foot work a lot, hopefully getting it down even better than before. I also am lucky enough to be able to play some volleyball over break with my old club team and also with my high school coach on an adult league. It is helping me out a lot to not fully lose the volleyball touch. Being away for so long can really hurt you in a way, so I am glad I have that to do as well. 
I am working hard and excited to get back with the team and have a great spring semester. Christmas and New Years was great and hope everyone else had happy holidays. See you all January 28th, to the new start of our LHUVB team! 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cody's Winter Break

So far this break has been great. I'm so happy to be spending this time with my friends and family. I'm from a small town and I know a lot of people. I've had a lot of catching up to do with all of them. I've been spending a great deal of time with my Grandma at the family farm and I have been working at the restaurant too. It's great to be working out again. I'm preparing for spring conditioning by doing the workouts on the sheet we got before leaving campus. Workouts started last week and even though it's hard to run outside when it is so cold (we don't have gyms or really any YMCA's where I'm from to work out in because it's so small), it still feels good to be active. I'm definitely looking forward to getting back in the gym with my teammates once school starts again. Hope everyone else's break is going well!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Megan's Winter Break

While on break I have had some time to think about and digest what had happened in the NCAA Regional play-offs. The more I think about it, the more I feel like we could have gone so much further. These feelings will give me even more motivation to work harder this spring. 
Today marks the first day of workouts which will prepare us for a long spring conditioning season. The conditioning will give us time to prepare ourselves to go at it again hard next year. I am hoping that this spring will really prepare us so we can come home with much more success. I feel like I am ready as ever to hit the gym to make our team stronger and more successful. I have faith that this is just the beginning of a great volleyball season for Lock Haven University. Let’s go Haven Nation!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bailey's Winter Break

Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the "huge sigh of relief" that comes after Christmas as much as I am. However, it is kind of sad packing away all of our Santa decorations and stripping the tree of its ornaments because I love how fun and festive the holidays are. I've enjoyed every minute of cookie baking, searching for presents and driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights! Now that we have snow I can really get down to business in the traditions of snowman building. Maybe this year I'll have to hang up the sled because I'm getting too old for this! 

Toryn couldn't have said it better. As much as I would love to be working out with my team right now, it is great for me to be able to exercise back home. A majority of my high school classmates and I all go to our local rec center to workout. We often run into each other and catch up on our fall semester and we like to compare the winter workouts our coaches have given us. Last spring my teammates and I really pushed ourselves and it made the environment amazing. The excitement and anticipation of last spring has been pushing me through this winter break. I can't wait to see what we are all going to produce!