Saturday, January 12, 2013

Laura's Winter Break

It is a long winter break we have this year, long time away from school and the team. Over break I am trying to do as much as possible with my friends and family. Hang out and catch up on stuff I have missed from being away all semester. It's great having all this time to have fun, hang out, relax, and start working for the spring coming up. 

I am making sure I get a workout in everyday and doing our winter workout every other day. I’m preparing for the spring as if it's a fresh start, a new time to show myself. I’ve been working on my foot work a lot, hopefully getting it down even better than before. I also am lucky enough to be able to play some volleyball over break with my old club team and also with my high school coach on an adult league. It is helping me out a lot to not fully lose the volleyball touch. Being away for so long can really hurt you in a way, so I am glad I have that to do as well. 
I am working hard and excited to get back with the team and have a great spring semester. Christmas and New Years was great and hope everyone else had happy holidays. See you all January 28th, to the new start of our LHUVB team! 


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