Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stephanie's Break

In order to prepare for this upcoming off season, the team has received a weekly workout packet for our Christmas break.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days that we workout and we have a break on Tuesday and Thursday.  M-W-F have set workouts including the number of reps/sets that need to be completed. I have been going to my high school gym in order to get that done and I incorporate cardio beforehand.  Although we have off Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been doing my own workouts at home, whether its a workout DVD, running around my neighborhood, or simply doing abs.  Unfortunately, this past week I caught a fever along with strep throat so I have not been myself, nor have I done physical activity.  I am now feeling 100x better than I did, so later this afternoon I will start back up with my workouts and get back on track.  Other than working out I've been visiting my hometown, Upper Darby, which is right outside of Philadelphia.  I grew up there for 14 years until I moved to Lancaster County. I'm so glad I got to catch up with old friends.  For Christmas/New Years, my parents planned a trip to Disney World and it was my first time going.  We took a train to get there and back home, and each ride was 21 hours.  I slept most of the time so it went quick for me. It was great getting away from the cold  weather, being able to hang out with my family, and having no worries for a week.  I also got some tan lines during my time down there which I'm very happy about.  All around I've had a great relaxing break and I can't wait to see all of my friends back at Lock Haven.

-Stephanie Doherty 

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