Thursday, September 18, 2014

Meet Freshman Gabby Stala

Gabby is a freshman from Aliquippa, PA.  

Why did you come to Lock Haven University?
I really love the location of lock haven, the mountains and river are beautiful, along with the small town, it reminds me of home.

What celebrity would you like to hang out with or a day? Why?
Paula Deen because I could learn a lot from here in the kitchen.

What is your least favorite food?
My least favorite food is fish.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
California because I love the weather.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
Too many to choose from…

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people shake their head or roll their eyes at me.

Who is your role model?
My dad.

What is your favorite pro sports team?

What do you like most about game day?
When I see everyone shinning bright in their game day shirts.

What are your pregame rituals?
Drink my energy drink, take Advil, and stretch using a band.

How do you want people at LHU to remember you?
For being a great athlete, someone that gave off good vibes, and a hard worker.

What is one thing people do not know about you?
I quit swimming for volleyball.

What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?
Grave diggers.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken salads.

Who can you do a good impression of?
Any of my close friends.

What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?
Make good relationships with my professors, so they can help me be successful in my future if I ever need reference.

What is your dream job?
Manage a professional sports team.

My friends would describe me as…

 I cannot live without…
I cannot live without my sister and brother.

On road trips I always bring…

I always bring headphones. 


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