Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Meet Freshman Holly Shoemaker

Holly Shoemaker is a freshman from Mount Wolf, PA. 

Why did you come to Lock Haven University?
I came to Lock Haven University because of the location and because of the Athletic Training program offered here.
What celebrity would you like to hang out with or a day? Why?
I would like to hang out with Desean Jackson because he is a successful professional athlete.
What is your least favorite food?
Asparagus is my least favorite food.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
I would live Sao Paulo, Brazil so I could live with my best friend who was a foreign exchange student when I was a junior in high school at my school.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
When I was in 8th grade (middle school), it was the biggest volleyball game of our season and it was home, and my shoe came off in the middle of the play, I was humiliated...we lost the point because of it. 
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is laziness, and uncleanliness.
Who is your role model?
My brothers are my role models, I look up to them for everything.
 What is your favorite pro sports team?
My favorite pro sports football team is the Philadelphia Eagles
What do you like most about game day?
The fact that we finally get to play other competition on game day.
What are your pregame rituals?
I always eat a banana before every game, and I have since 10th grade.
How do you want people at LHU to remember you?
I want to be remembered as a hard working student athlete who has become successful.
What is one thing people do not know about you?
People do not know that I don’t have any sisters, but I have 4 brothers.
What is your least favorite conditioning drill, weight room exercise, or volleyball drill?
Grave diggers are my least favorite weight room exercise.
What is your favorite food?
Watermelon is my favorite food.
Who can you do a good impression of?
I can do a good impression of some famous people from Vine.
What is one thing you want to happen before you leave LHU?
I want to win a PSAC championship.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to become an athletic trainer in a clinical setting.
My friends would describe me as…
Friendly, funny, and outgoing.
I cannot live without…
Food, music, my phone, volleyball, my family.
On road trips I always bring…

Pillow pet, headphones, and food. 


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