Saturday, December 29, 2012

Update on Beth's Winter Break

My plan for break is rest, maintain and improve in that order (when you have a break as long as six weeks, you have to have some sort of plan). The first week I was home was dedicated to resting physically and mentally. I slept for what seemed days, ate whatever my body needed and made sure I did nothing mentally taxing or stressful. It would be logical to call it recuperating, but to me it felt almost as if I was hibernating like a bear.

After a solid week of doing nothing, I was itching to start moving around again. I began maintaining the shape I was in during the season. Light cardio, plyometrics and weight lifting every other day has helped me get back into the swing of things without hurting my body. Not to mention, this maintaining-training will make for a smooth transition as I try to improve. In a couple of days our team workouts will start, which will improve each of us individually to benefit the team as a whole. I have no doubt that this conglomeration of plyometrics, sprints and abs will get us in position to improve ourselves from last year.

Preparing for the spring season is not just about getting in physical shape. Don’t get me wrong, it is a large piece of the puzzle; However, you can’t see the whole picture if pieces are missing. Preparing for spring is about creating a healthy environment for yourself so you are in the best possible position to improve. For example, the more I sleep, the better I eat and the less stress I have in the spring will put me in the best possible position to get better when training comes along. Getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet now will only benefit me in a month when practice begins. As for stress, I can minimize it by getting organized for the spring semester over break when I have plenty of time to spare.

Being home for break has been wonderful. I get to see all of my family and friends and celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I can’t lie, it’s tempting to not do workouts, eat all of the holiday cookies and forget about my responsibilities to a university four hours away. Nevertheless, I simply can’t when I think of all of my teammates and coaches who are working hard every day to improve our team. Not only am I grateful, but also lucky. With that said I am working hard now and preparing for the spring- and I can guarantee my teammates are too. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Toryn's Winter Break

Now that the off season had started and we are on our own for the next few weeks keeping up with workouts tends to become difficult! For myself personally I have been working out since I came home, trying to put in a little weight and change my speed for the better. Starting this coming Monday we have a team workout that the coaches gave us to do over the last three weeks. On top of that I will do a little extra lifting just to stay in shape. I am looking forward to the spring season and seeing what it hold for us. If gives us a chance to try different line ups and see what is going to work for us in he upcoming season! Although I would much rather be working out with my team at this time, being home and working at my own pace on things I need to work on is also a great opportunity! 


Friday, December 21, 2012

Kendra's Winter Break Plans

After finals week, the 6 week winter break is very much needed.  I plan to visit family as much as possible and get together with friends from high school. I am trying to go to Times Square on New Years with my cousin to see the ball drop.  But beside that, no major plans, just kind of a relaxing break and preparing for our spring season.  We were given a workout plan to do to get us in shape for what the spring season is about to bring.  Last year we worked really hard in the off season and plan on doing the same this year.  I am also very excited to see the team again and to start the New Year off great when we return to Lock Haven for classes and workouts.  It will be great to get back in the gym and to see everyone working hard for the 2013 season.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Holiday Season!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kaleigh's Plans for Christmas Break

            I don’t really have any major plans for break except for getting ready for the spring. I do plan on spending time with my family and friends and helping my mom finish getting everything set up in our new house. I will also do some observing hours in my old high school Freedom, and I will probably go in and help my mother with her third grade class. My main plan is to get myself prepared for our spring season when I get back from break. I have already been doing the work out that was planned and hopefully I will be able to play a little over break as well. The last thing I am going to do is watch as much volleyball as I can!!! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Lock Haven Ends Season with Loss to Clarion

This past week was a big week for our team. Making it to the regional tournament was a big deal and we had all the intentions to go make it back to West Florida for the Elite 8. In our first match up of the tournament we unfortunately fell to the Clarion Golden Eagles. We had planned to make it past Clarion, but the opportunity had slipped us when Clarion sealed the win this Thursday night. The sets in our match were very close and we all undoubtedly wanted to win. When it came down to it, Clarion executed their plays better than us and seemed to play more like they had nothing to lose. Our offense seemed to come out slow and didn’t recover to equal Clarion the rest of the match. 


Senior Gao Xuan

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Eagles Prepare for NCAA Regional Tournament

The Women’s Volleyball Atlantic Region Championships are taking place at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia this Thursday.  After falling to Gannon in a 5 set thriller, as a team we are vigorously preparing to knock down the # 4 seeded Clarion Golden Eagles in the first round.   Lock Haven is ranked #5 in the Atlantic region and setting their sights on a bid to the NCAA DII National Championships December 6-8, 2012 in Pensacola, FL.   Clarion is 23-11 overall.  Lock Haven came up short against Clarion on October 5, 2012 in another 5-set match losing only by 3 points in the fifth set.  Needless to say, studying film and scouting reports will be a large part of our strategy to battle Clarion.   We will travel Wednesday in preparation for the match. We will be finalizing our game plan and practicing one last time in Wheeling before the Eagle against Eagle match on Thursday.

Volleyball Champ

Monday, November 19, 2012

Haven Falls to Gannon in PSAC Finals

This past weekend we made it to the championship game against Gannon in the PSAC finals. We went into the game with the utmost confidence and ambition. We had our game plan under wraps and we knew exactly what we needed to do. We executed strongly in the first two sets against them, coming back in the first game from a 7 point deficits. Everything seemed to be going our way for these first two games and then the tables turned. We started to panic it felt like and we again were down by 7 points. It felt like we were not in control of the game anymore, even though we were up 2 games to 1. We lost all of our momentum and the game started to turn the other way. We continued to fight throughout the next 3 games but we fell in all of them. The feeling after that game was heart breaking, watching the title slip right through our fingers. But we have to look ahead to regionals. We know exactly what we have to do to beat Gannon when we face them again in the regional tournament. Although we fell short of one of our goals we still have the biggest one yet to accomplish! 



LHU Beats CalU in Five Set Thriller

Friday evening we traveled to Erie, PA to play the semi-final match of the PSAC championship against CalU.  We knew going into this we would have a good battle to face and conquer, especially after beating them earlier in the season. We were prepared for Cal getting revenge on us.  We had the opportunity to practice earlier that morning at Gannon, and it was a very intense and productive practice which got us ready for our game later that evening.  We played very well in the five-set match and ended up finishing with a 3-2 win over Cal.  We all played well and everyone played together.  It is great to see our team thrive in games like this, being forced to play our game and to put pressure on the other team and not just coast through games.  Our energy was very high during all five games and we were pushed beyond what anyone expected. It was great getting to be a part of a game like this after always having a rivalry with them and finally coming out on top.  After this game we knew we had to get ready for the finals against Gannon University. 



Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eagles Prepare for PSAC Final Against Gannon

We had a big match against Cal last night and we have another big match tonight against Gannon. Tonight we will take on the No. 1 ranked team in the PSAC West. They are a solid team, so it’s definitely going to be a good match. They’ll have the home team advantage since we’re playing at their own Hammermill Hall, but we’ve got a good reason to fight. Not only is the game for the conference championship, but Gannon also beat us on our home court during crossovers earlier this year. The team is making sure to rest up today and we are preparing for our match tonight. 



Friday, November 16, 2012

LHU Prepares for Semi-Final Match Against Cal

It's time for second round of playoffs; this is what we have been working for all season. It has come down to playing CalU, which is a big team for us. This season we had a big win against them, and we are ready to do it again. As we travel a long four hours to Gannon which is where the PSAC tournament is being placed, we have prepared long and hard throughout our whole season for this tournament. This has been a goal since last spring season to come and take back what CalU came to our gym and stole from us. It’s time to do work, play hard, and defeat Cal once again, and show them who really deserves the PSAC trophy. As a team we will leave everything out on the court and not looking back.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lock Haven Powers Past Millersville

   Playing Millersville marked the beginning of the post season. We feel like the regular season has been a long practice preparing us for the post season. We set out with goals for the post season from the first team meeting at preseason and now, by sweeping Millersville in the first round of playoffs, we are headed in the right direction.

    Playing Millersville was bitter-sweet because it was the seniors’ last home game. They played with all of their heart in front of a supportive crowd filled with our family and friends celebrating their careers at Lock Haven. All of the underclassmen were proud of how well the seniors preformed. Xuan, Grace, Alexa and Monica all had amazing games with impressive stats; and for one senior, Erin Walsh, it was the game that moved her into first place in Lock Haven’s history for most digs.

    We are ecstatic to move on to the next round of playoffs held at Gannon in Erie, PA. We play California University of PA at 5p.m. on Friday. To say the least, we look forward to playing the Vulcan’s again in the post-season. 


Gao Xuan

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LHU Prepares for First Round of PSAC Tournament

Today we play Millersville at home to start off our PSAC tournament play. This will be the third time we have played them this season (we lost to them at Millersville and beat them at our place).  After beating Kutztown in three this past Saturday and defeating East Stroudsburg on Tuesday we will definitely have confidence entering this game. We are also still revengeful because Millersville beat us earlier in the season. Our goal is to come out playing hard the whole game. Playing at home is a big help for us because our fans are always very supportive and help keep the energy high during our matches. This is a big game! We wan to further our play in the PSAC tournament and prove to Millersville who is the better team. I believe that our team is prepared for this match and we just need to come into the gym tonight night ready to play hard and take down Millersville.



Monday, November 12, 2012

Lock Haven Picks Up 12th Straight Win

With our 12th consecutive win, our regular season play is finished and we move on to the conference tournament! Celebrating our seniors and all of their accomplishments over the years gave us the encouragement we needed to keep Kutztown under 20 in all three sets. The seniors picked up their 99th win of their career at Lock Haven. We just wanted to have fun and send the seniors off with a win on senior day. This season is dedicated to the countless hours of hard work we endured and pushing each other towards our common goals. You know what they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
To everyone in the PSAC,  we are coming for that conference Championship guns-a-blazin! I can't wait for the thrilling games that are about to take place! :)


VB Seniors
LHU seniors: Monica Brown #2, Alexa Garrity #15, Grace Novacek #9, Erin Walsh #7 and Gao Xuan #12 

Friday, November 9, 2012

LHU Prepares for Kutztown

We have a big match against Kutztown on Saturday at 1pm. Not only is this it a big game, but it is the last game of the regular season. On Saturday we will honor our seniors for their last regular season home game.  As we go into this weekend we are focused on how we are going to attack this team.  We have been working hard on hitting and blocking to help us for this game. We always go into this game against Kutztown with fire under us as we look to “Kill the Bear”.

With this game we look to continue to work on everything to keep getting better and better each day. One thing that we are looking to improve on is to keep communicating with each other to help us succeed. We also look to play our hardest to help us get ready for playoff games next week. Not only do we want to get better each and every day but we want to help our seniors finish on a great season. As we prepare to take on the bears we also are getting the gym ready to celebrate our “FAB 5” seniors for their incredible success here at Lock Haven University.


Lock Haven Volleyball Seniors

Thursday, November 8, 2012

LHU Picks Up 11th Straight Win

Last night the Lock Haven volleyball team traveled down to East Stroudsburg University to take on the Warriors. Upon arrival we learned that we would not be playing in the fieldhouse rather the recreation center because the university was housing victims of hurricane Sandy. This was different for us because we are used to playing in front of a large crowd in a large fieldhouse. However we did not let this slow us down; we came out playing our game and took it to ESU 25-16 game 1. We did not slow down in the second game defeating ESU 25-19. The third game we relaxed a little bit when we should not have and ESU prevailed, winning 27-25. The fourth game we were able to put the match defeating ESU 25-16. This became our 11th straight victory and may end up helping us when the new regional rankings come out. We are excited for this weekend, as it is our senior day where we are celebrating 5 seniors. We are working hard this week to take another victory and finishing our season on a 12 game win streak. 



Monday, November 5, 2012

Haven Beats Ship and Millersville

This past weekend Lock Haven Volleyball clinched the number one seed in the PSAC Eastern Conference. On Friday we took on the #2 seed Shippensburg who was only one game behind Lock Haven. We kept them where they belong at #2 as we beat them in a four game match! Saturday morning we returned to Thomas Fieldhouse for another match against Millersville University. This game was equally important to us because we dropped a game to them earlier this season. Facing the scrappy defense of Millersville, Lock Haven stayed heavy on the offense and took out Millersville in a 4 game match!  Saturday was also an important day for Lock Haven Volleyball as we honored the recently retired Coach Tom Justice. Several LHU Volleyball alumni came out to the game to show their support for Coach Justice and his 21 years of dedication to the program. We thank Coach Justice for everything that he’s put into building such a successful program and his continued support as our #1 fan!  We hope to finish out our regular season strong with a win against East Stroudsburg tomorrow and another against Kutztown on Saturday!




Eagles Prepare for East Stroudsburg

This Tuesday, we travel to face ESU to play the Warriors for the second time this season.  This is our second to last game before tournament play.  Coming off this past weekend, after defeating Shippensburg and Millersville in two clean, high-paced matches, we are in a great place as a team.  Last week definitely gave us the momentum we needed to work extra hard this week in practice to prepare ourselves even more for post-season games.  Our goal is to finish out this week clenching our first place in the Eastern Division of the PSAC conference, and taking the confidence we gain from that success with us to the championship, which is held in the west this year.  The team sees our upcoming matches this week as crucial parts in reaching the goals we have set, and we are excited to begin to put some new things together on the court and continue to play as hard as we can!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This weekend we will be facing Shippensburg and Millersville. With us leading the PSAC Eastern Conference, this weekend is extremely important. Shippensburg is a game behind us in the conference rankings and want nothing more but to beat us! But we will not let this happen. We have already defeated Ship on the road but need to take care of business once again!  Friday night will be our black out game against them, so we will be expecting a big, loud and enthusiastic crowd. Again, this game is huge so come out and support! Also, Saturday we will be facing Millersville, in which is another important game for us. The last time we saw Millersville it did not go as planned. We lost in 4 sets but learned a lot from this experience. Playing them this Saturday on our home court they will not get the satisfaction of defeating Lock Haven a second time around. Saturday at 1 p.m. will be a white out game! So come out and see us take care of business! HAVEN NATION!


Erin Walsh (7) and Jess Brown 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lock Haven Defeats Cheyney and Seton Hill

The team went out of the weekend 3-0. We had some tough patches at times and were challenged at moments but we rose to those challenges and handled business like we needed to. Saturday we had two matches, the first was against Cheyney. This match gave us the opportunity to play athletes that don't normally get to play as much. We did what we needed to do to get the win, with strong serves and being aggressive at the net. The next match we had was Seton Hill. We came out strong against them in the beginning and won the first game. We lost game two by 3 and then came back to dominate in the last 2 games. The third game of this match was our best performance of the day. We executed well offensively and our back row picked up a ton of balls. A win is a win we always say and our goal was to come out of the weekend 3-0 and that is exactly what we did. At times we did not perform like we should have, but we came back and did what we needed to do to pull out a win. We ended the weekend 20-9 overall and 12-3 in conference. This puts us in a good place for placement in the region. 


Erin Walsh, Beth Burns, Alex Brehony

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Haven Digs Pink Against West Chester

This past Friday we faced the Golden Rams of West Chester in our second Dig Pink match. With a big crowd we downed them 3-1 carrying on our winning streak to 6. Throughout the game we sold Dig Pink t-shirts and pink chocolate ribbons to support breast cancer and the Side-out foundation. This win put us at 11-3 in our conference. With a lot of energy on the court and help from the crown, we had a big offensive game driven from solid first contacts on serve receive and digs. With the support from other Haven sports and students, this game was extremely fun and gave us the right mind set for our matches against Cheyney and Seton Hill on Saturday. 


#12 Gao Xuan, #8 Bailey Farthing, #10 Alex Brehony

Friday, October 26, 2012

Haven Prepares for West Chester, Cheyney, and Seton Hill

The team is excited about this weekend as we play two conference and one non-conference match. Tonight is our second Dig Pink game and we will play West Chester University. The team is very excited because we are playing the game we love and supporting the fight against breast cancer. For the past month we have been raising money for the Side-Out Foundation by selling raffle tickets, t-shirts, cookies, and chocolate breast cancer ribbons. We have been preparing all week by watching film and creating a strong game plan. On Saturday we will play Cheyney and Seton Hill. The team has been talking about having a strong weekend and getting three more wins to add to our record. We are looking forward to seeing everyone wearing pink and cheering on the team. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Haven Beats Virginia Union and Concord

Saturday was homecoming and a successful, fun day for the Lock Haven volleyball team. We played two games; the first was against Virginia Union early in the morning, and then Concord in the late afternoon. Virginia Union gave us a chance to try new things. We were able to get experience for the future of the Lock Haven volleyball program. We also had a couple people injured, so others stepped in when needed and got us the win. Staying strong and playing hard we took a 3-0 win starting off the day.

Concord was another successful 3-0 win for Lock Haven. Right away everyone on the court played hard and didn’t let the slow rhythm on the other side of the net slow us down. We dominated them and sent them home early. Our defense and offense was on spot the whole match, we showed them what Lock Haven volleyball was really about. Finally finding our state of mind to start strong and end strong in a match that you could say would be easy for Lock Haven.

Also during our successful day of volleyball, we had a successful day of our BBQ CampBacon Cookout for all to enjoy.  All day people came in to watch our games and enjoy some very good food. All in all the whole day was a fun successful , enjoyable day. 



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lock Haven vs Kutztown Recap

This past Friday we traveled to the home of the Kutztown Golden Bears who has been a rival match for us for a long time and it’s always a pleasure to see how our team handles games like this.  We prepared mentally and physically for this rival match against another PSAC East team, with a lovely speech given by retiree Tom Justice 5 minutes before the bus left which was a great little pep talk to remind us how bad we needed to KILL THE BEAR!  We had a good game against them last year with a 3-0 win and continued that with another 3-0 sweep.  Our team came ready to play with a great amount of energy, and we all worked as one team to help this happen.  Kutztown put up a good fight by keeping a close trail behind us each game pushing us to see how bad we really wanted to win.  It was an amazing atmosphere to be in with our lovely Lock Haven fans that are dedicated to watching our team succeed and coming to support with a lot of energy as well.  It was awesome getting to once again be a part of KILLING THE BEAR!



Friday, October 19, 2012

Lock Haven Travels to Kutztown, Host Virginia Union and Concord

We play Kutztown tomorrow and that was a big game for us last year and still is this year. We worked hard at practice strategizing and making a game plan the past few days to prepare for this match. We have not only put in work on the court but off the court as well, watching and getting mentally prepared for this game. We play away so we need to remember to bring the energy we have from our fans with us to Kutztown’s gym. The whole team knows what is needed from each of us to win this game. We have suffered from a few injuries but I am sure that we wont let that take away from the importance of this game or the flow of our team. I am sure we will still come out with great energy and fight. KILL THE BEAR!!!!


Monica Brown
Monica Brown 

This weekend Lock Haven Volleyball has a lot planned. Friday we are traveling to Kutztown University to take on the Bears in a PSAC East match-up, and Saturday we’re back in Thomas Field House to play Virginia Union and Concord, two teams from our region.  Saturday is homecoming weekend here at the Haven, and our team is also hosting the Camp Bacon fundraiser. Come on down to the field house after 11am Saturday to get delicious food and check out one of our matches!

We started the week off strong with a win over East Stroudsburg, which was also our Dig Pink match. Wednesday we hit the gym and got to get some quality practice time with the new drill “Chaos”. Thursday was a long practice working on the fundamentals, but then we got to finish with some 6v6 play, which is everyone’s favorite.  So I’d say we’re definitely ready to play this weekend.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Haven Digs Pink and Gets Win Over East Stroudsburg

The Dig Pink Game is one of our favorite games of the year. We spend weeks preparing for it by selling t-shirts, tickets, and spreading the word. So when the big day comes, our team is anxious as we filter into the gym one by one. Sitting in the training room I remember looking around at everyone in their pink attire (shirts, socks, bows, hair ties and even pink hair).  It made me realize how important this day was to us. Breast Cancer has affected each of our lives in different degrees and this is a day to remember our loved ones who we have lost and celebrate those who have survived.

The atmosphere in the gym was electrifying for warm-ups. The team was excited that our big day was coming together. Friends, family, and people in the community were filing into the gym sporting their pink attire supporting us, supporting the fight against Breast Cancer. Soon enough it was time to play. After the jitters settled and the girls adjusted to a couple new lineups the team was unstoppable winning the third set 25-10. Individually, Grace hit an outstanding .471 on the night, Xuan had 10 kills, Bailey had 7 blocks, Alexa had 27 assists and Erin dug 12 balls. Not only was I proud of them, but also proud of the subs that did their jobs when called upon.

To say the least, we did good things last night. We played good volleyball and raised money for a good cause. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Side-Out Foundation and attended our game. And a special thanks to the Zeta’s for selling t-shirts and collecting donations. See you all on October 26th for our last Dig Pink Game!


Alexa Garrity

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lock Haven Prepares for Dig Pink Match Against East Stroudsburg

October is finally here, so everybody knows what that means, right? It is breast cancer awareness month! And tomorrow’s game has been deemed our Dig pink match. Not only is it one of our favorite matches to prepare for, it is also the most significant since some members of the team have lost family members due to breast cancer. The Dig Pink match is a fundraising event initiated by the Side-Out Foundation, which to whom all the proceeds go to. They not only award grants to medical research organizations, but they also give hope and support to cancer patients and their families.

The team (Dan especially) and I have a lot of fun trying to gather everything that comes in the color pink, and finding a way to pack it in our gym.  And with our nails painted pink, our socks dyed pink, and our skin temporary tattooed pink, we plan on using the same fire and drive cancer patients fight with every day, to battle our opponents the East Stroudsburg warriors. We humbly accept that this game is about a cause much bigger than us, and I am really proud of my team and every other team in the PSAC in their awareness and fundraising efforts. It is really cool to be a part of a program that cares.With that said, COME OUT TO OUR GAME loud and proud, and in pink! There will be t-shirts for sale, 50/50 raffle tickets, and a donation jar all awaiting your generosity! 


Please click on the link below to donate to the Side- Out Foundation. The Side- Out Foundation was founded for volleyball teams to help support the fight against breast cancer. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

LHU Falls to Millersville, but Beats Shippensburg

This weekend Lock Haven Volleyball had traveled down to Millersville and Shippensburg to take on two more PSAC East teams. We left Friday at 2pm to head down to Millersville, PA for our first game of the weekend. When we got down there it was just a normal game day and started our daily warm-up routine. As it got closer to game time, we huddled around to talk about our game plan, and that was to win this game.

We went back and forth in the first set with the Marauders as they take the first set 25-22. We all came off the court annoyed that we had just lost the first set to Millersville. As we step on the court for the second match we pushed to make a big lead and to not look back. We took the second set 25-15 keeping a large lead in that set. In the third and fourth set we let the Marauders take the victory away from us as we settled down and played down to their level and had to play the game Millersville wanted us to play.

The next morning we went to Shippensburg to play one of our rivals in the PSAC east. We walked into the gym knowing that it was time to play Lock Haven Volleyball and give it all we can and to not look back. We knew we had to take care of business and this was a big game for us. Before the game we talked about stopping one girl so that they had to find another way to beat us. In the end they couldn’t find another way to beat us as we take the first two sets, and the fourth. We played as a team and all had the goal and right mindset to win this game.

 As a team, we walked away from this weekend knowing that we cannot take any team lightly. We need to come out as a team from start to finish and play like it is our last game. Another thing we learned is that it does not matter who is on the other side of the court, when we put on our Lock Haven University jersey’s that nothing else matters and that it is time to take care of business and play as a team. We start back up on Monday to get ready for our Dig Pink Game on Tuesday at home against East Stroudsburg and Kutztown on Friday.


LHU Classic
# 9 Grace Novacek, # 21 Kaleigh Hudak, # 15 Alexa Garrity (photo courtesy of LHU Athletics)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lock Haven Volleyball Prepares for Weekend at Millersville and Shippensburg

This past weekend Lock Haven volleyball accomplished something that has not been done in the program for 4 years. We stepped onto the court to face off against California University and beat them. The feeling of beating a team that we have not yet defeated was unexplainable. We went away from what was arguably the most important weekend of our season with a record of 3 and 1, defeating the reigning PSAC champions. That being said we have a big weekend coming up starting on Friday night against Millersville University and continuing right into the next day facing Shippensburg University.

I believe what we were able to accomplish this past weekend will have an impact on what we are capable of doing this weekend. We are coming out of the weekend with a lot of confidence and "swag" as some teammates like to refer to it as. This weekend is important to us because it is PSAC East competition. Shippensburg is currently second in the conference, so we must be prepared to compete when we step in the gym. Millersville University is also a team that can not be overlooked.

We have been working hard all week in practice, competing against each other trying to make everyone better. We have also been in the weight room preparing for our competition. We are working on some different things that will help us have an edge over the teams we are facing. Watching film has given us an idea of what these teams are capable of doing and we are well prepared for what is going to be coming at us. If our team continues to play with the confidence we had this past weekend, we will have no trouble defeating anyone we compete against.


Junior middle Bailey Farthing # 8 (photo courtesy of LHU Athletics) 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

LHU falls to Clarion, but Beats Cal!

This past Friday Lock Haven Volleyball traveled to Clarion University to face Clarion University and the reigning PSAC champs California University. We knew going into this past weekend’s competition it was going to be tough so we had to be prepared. At 11:30 a.m. we faced Clarion University. We started off very strong in the first set winning 25-12. Our offense was unstoppable, defense was letting nothing hit the floor, and everything was clicking. Unfortunately, in the second and third set we let clarion get away with two wins but then came back and won the fourth set not backing down. Finally, in the fifth set we were back and forth with Clarion but they ended up taking the win 15-12. It was definitely a heart breaker for us because we knew we should have defeated them. Fortunately, we accepted the loss and learned from it. If we were to compete against Clarion again we will not let them defeat us a second time around.
After the loss against Clarion we were all pumped for our next match against California University. California has been our rival for years.  The past four years we have lost to Cal in the PSAC’s, regionals and in conference play. We were not going to let that happen for the fifth year in a row. Stepping out on the court to face Cal we were all determined to fight and play our hearts out. The first two sets we won with our stunning offense, determined defense and a confidence that was astonishing. After taking the first two from Cal they were not happy, fought hard and took the third set from us winning 25-18. This made us want to work even harder and show them that we will not back down. The fourth we controlled our side of the net and we played incredible Volleyball and defeated Cal 25-14.

The rush of excitement that went through our veins after defeating California University was unexplainable. The amount of pride we have in each other after this weekend is astounding. We went into this match with a goal and achieved it. This showed us that we are capable of anything and nothing will stop us. 


LHU Volleyball Team

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recap of Slippery Rock and IUP

This past Saturday, Lock Haven Volleyball traveled to Slippery Rock University to play Slippery Rock and Indiana University. After Friday’s two huge matches, we started a little slow, but with our loaded offense and tight defense, we finally dominated the game and got the win against Slippery Rock. 

For the second game against IUP, we wanted to not go more than three sets with them. However, it didn’t start the way that we wanted it to. IUP got the match point of the first set and we were 3 points behind, but we never gave up and showed everyone that we are able to control the game. We got 5 points in a row to beat IUP who was holding 3 match points in the first set. For the last two sets, we were definitely dominating the game, and did not even give them a break. Well done and we met the goal of 3-0 against IUP!

For this cross-over weekend, by facing the toughest teams in our conference, we finished our goal of 3-1. The most important thing is that we all know what we can do, what we are able to do, and what we can accomplish. The following weekend, we are going to the east play against Millersville and Shippensburg University.

Gao Xuan 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

LHU takes on the West in this weekend's PSAC Crossover

This weekend Lock Haven Volleyball travels to the west to face some of the toughest competition in the region. Friday we head to Clarion University to take on the home team and reigning PSAC Conference champs, California University. Our weekend doesn't end there, Saturday we make our way to play the always tough Slippery Rock and Indiana University. Our success in this crossover tournament is crucial to earning a high ranking in the region which would set us up for a successful post season.

This week we've been making the necessary preparations for these teams. We have looked at a decent amount of game tape to get scouting reports, but mostly focusing on our own game in practice. This week's practices have been filled with a lot of technical skill work along with a high level and amount of competition. We've made a couple trips to the weight room as well to maintain that LHU strength! We believe that Clarion and Cal U will be our tougher matches this weekend so we've been focusing on their tendencies. We know that both teams have a loaded offense, as do we, so we've been working hard on our defense starting at the net with our blocking and into the back row with scrappy pursuit. These two teams are huge targets for our team, last year we beat Clarion in a riveting 5 set match to go to the PSAC Championship where we played Cal who took the win in our home gym, so we definitely have the drive and desire to beat these two long-time western team rivals. 

We depart at 7am Friday!

Go LHU!!!!!    #HavenNation

LHU Classic

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Recap of Cheyney and West Chester from Grace

This past weekend, Lock Haven Women's Volleyball traveled to the always sunny city of Philadelphia to play two PSAC East teams.  On Friday, we faced Cheyney, which was a great opportunity for us to try new things on the court and start off eastern conference play on the right foot.  It was awesome to watch and cheer on my teammates and to see the definite shape and direction of our future team.  Individuals showed their unique playing attributes that I usually overlook when I am caught up in practice or a game, and I was proud to see the growth and development of some of our younger players.  Staying on the attack all game, we got the 3-0 win with confidence.

    Saturday afternoon, we were up against West Chester and, keeping the Lock Haven tradition of never losing to them, we swept the Golden Rams 3-0. Driven by solid first contacts on serve receive, our offense had one of our most dominating performances of the year, making the game extremely enjoyable on our side of the net.  This was one of our best weekends overall and it certainly showed our clear progress as a volleyball team.  At this point in the season, we are at the perfect time to be putting it all together.  We are benefiting from more in-depth and detail-oriented practices as we prepare for our second cross-over tournament this weekend against some of the toughest teams in the west.


#9 Grace Novacek, #10 Alex Brehony (photo courtesy of LHU Athletics)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meet Freshman- Megan

Hi, My name is Megan Flick and I chose Lock Haven for some very great reasons. What I love about LHU is the class size and the individual academic attention you can get from your professors. So far I have had a great experience living on campus. Originally I was planning on staying home and commuting. My advice to anyone on the fence about staying on campus versus living at home, definitely go for the on campus route. I have made so many new friends and the activities on campus are endless. I feel like there is a sport or club that will fit every student.

I am also very enthusiastic about this volleyball season. I feel like Lock Haven volleyball is at a peak, being that the team had done so well last year and only graduated one starter. It is very exciting coming into a program that has such a strong base of returners. I am sure that the rest of our team is just as pumped as I am. It truly is an honor to become part of a team that has a great history and to be selected as a teammate that will help better the team no matter the role I may play.

Another reason I came to Lock Haven University is because it is very close to home. I like the fact that I am very close and can go home if needed. Now being here though, I feel that even if I didn't live close to LHU I would still love the choice because you really get to meet a lot of new people. There is a very homey atmosphere here and I am proud to be a Lock Haven Eagle, and proud to call Lock Haven my home.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Meet Freshman Setter/Defensive Specialist- Jess

Hi! My name is Jessica Brown. I am a freshman at LHU. I was born and raised in Baltimore and moved to Fawn Grove when I was 10. Growing up I played volleyball, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and softball. Volleyball is the one that stuck though. I've been playing club and school ball since the 7th grade and ever since its been a passion. 

I chose LHU mostly because of volleyball and the program, but also because I want to major in physician assistant, and LHU has a strong PA program. I came from a very small high school, so to many people this may be a small campus, but it's rather large to me. Lock Haven has a very friendly environment and a lot of welcoming people, so I'm not too worried about the transition, but I'm glad I can finally say I'm part of the LHU family! 


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meet Sophomore Middle Blocker- Stephanie

Hey! My name is Stephanie Doherty and I am currently a sophmore here at Lock Haven University.  I have been playing volleyball since I was in 6th grade, and have been a middle hitter since 7th grade.  I grew up in Upper Darby township, which is right outside of Philadelphia, but eventually moved to East Earl, Lancaster County, going into 9th grade.  It was a huge change for me, but the volleyball program there was fantastic and that's how my volleyball career really started off.  I chose LHU because of the education program they have here.  I am majoring in Physical Education to become a gym/health teacher, and they provide a wonderful program with a very supportive staff in the PE department.  I love LHU because of how small both the campus and the sizes of the classes are.  If I have trouble with a certain subject, I can approach the teacher to have one on one help and they will know my name as well, which wouldn't occur at a college like Penn State.  It also takes about 5-10 minutes to get to class, so I just wake up 20 minutes before I have to be there because I love to sleep.  If there's one thing you'll learn about me quickly, it's that I sleep way too much, but that's fine with me :).


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Lauren

My name is Lauren Dentler. I grew up in Mechanicsburg, PA and went to Cumberland Valley High School. I am a Health and Physical Education major with a minor in aquatics. I was looking for a school that had a great reputation for my major and for volleyball, which is why Lock Haven was such a great pick for me. My main passion is sports, ever since I was little I have always been a tomboy and been involved in many sports. I was definitely not a typically little girl who played with barbies or dolls, every hobby I had involved something athletic. I tried all sorts of sports growing up but my older brother, Andrew, introduced me to volleyball. I used to go to all of his games and be mesmerized by all of the kills he got during his matches. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I wanted to do exactly what he did. I wanted to experience the feeling of getting a point that I deserved, like he did. My brother's success playing Division I volleyball, has made my drive to improve much greater. Although it is great to get kills, it is amazing being part of such a great team like ours. I love everything about our team, from the hard work on the court to the great friendships we share outside of the gym. 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Kaleigh

Hello my name is Kaleigh Hudak, I grew up in Bethlehem PA where I lived with my mother, brother, and sister. I went to Freedom High school and I absolutely loved my high school career. I played varsity volleyball and basketball for Freedom, as well as club volleyball for Court Authority.  Ever since I could remember I played some sort of a sport. My father was a great football player and his love for sports rubbed off on me, when I was little and every Friday night we would go to a football game. Then when I started to play volleyball I found a passion that I knew I wanted to keep pursuing after high school. 

The reason I chose Lock Haven was because they had a very competitive volleyball program and the girls made me feel so comfortable. I felt a part of the team before I even chose the school. The second reason I chose Lock Haven was because I wanted to study Secondary Education and the University has a great education program. I also liked the size of the school; at this university the class sizes are smaller so you get to know your professors and the other student in your classes. The last reason I chose the school was because it was a good distance away from home. I am very close with me family so I wanted to make sure I still had the option of going home if I needed to.

The reasons why I love Lock Haven are because most of the people here are extremely nice. My professors are very helpful and my team is like my second family. I also love the fact that it’s so different from home. Bethlehem is a big town compared to Lock Haven so it’s nice to be able to experience something new. I love Lock Haven and I am happy that I get to spend the next few years of my college career at this school.



Monday, September 17, 2012

Meet Sophomore Righside/Setter- Kendra

Hey everyone I'm Kendra Fetzer and I am a sophomore here at Lock Haven and I am majoring in psychology.  I lived in Howard, PA my whole life, and went to Bald Eagle Area High School.  I started playing volleyball my freshman year because my best friend wanted me to try it, I had no intentions of actually liking it at first, then once I started playing and realized how fun it was, I stuck with it.  I started club in the spring that year too and did that for the next four years as well.  I chose Lock Haven because I knew a lot of people that loved the school and said it was a very good institute, and I love the area.  When I started looking at the volleyball program I loved the atmosphere that was being created by all the girls.  We are a family and are all working for the same goal and have the same ambitions.  We are very competitive and strive for greatness, which is something I haven't every experienced before I joined this volleyball family.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meet Sophomore Middle Blocker- Toryn

I chose Lock Haven for a few different reasons. The main deciding factor was because of the girls on the team. When I came for my visit the girls on the team were so welcoming. They talked to me about anything I needed and they were all willing and happy to talk with me. The other schools I went to were not as welcoming. The coaching staff was so helpful also and Coach Justice called once a week just to chat. I also chose Lock Haven because of my major. It is one of the best schools for Athletic Training and the staff is very helpful with being a student athlete and athletic training major. The environment at the school is small and not too overwhelming. That made it more of a homey feeling and it was comfortable to come here even though I was 3 hours away from home. The girls on the team are like my family and we all get along. We are a very close team, and that is another thing I love about it here. Also the coaches are always there even if you need to just talk about something that has nothing to do with volleyball. They are so supportive everyone is and it is a great feeling to have. Some of the players on our team are from far away and can not see their families and I think that our team is like our second family, one away from home. I know that is the case for me.  I wasn't able to play my freshman year because I had back issues, but my team and coaches were there for me and very supportive through the whole process, when I got my procedures done they all contacted me and knowing that my team is there for me made it so much easier, and now I am very excited to get back into the game.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Meet Sophomore Rightside Hitter- Laura

My name is Laura Harris, and I am a sophomore here at LHU. Originally I was recruited as an outside hitter, and now at Lock Haven I am a right side hitter. I was born in Allentown, PA but moved to New Jersey when I was 5 and grew up there ever since. I started playing volleyball in the 5th grade, by the time I got to high school it was the first year my high school ever had a volleyball team. With help from family and friends, we helped create a volleyball program for Absegami High school. As a freshman I was voted captain, and was for the rest of the four years. I also ran track in high school and played club volleyball. My club team was also a new program when I was a freshman, East Coast Crush. I have graduated from Absegami High school, and made the long journey here to Lock Haven University.

I am majoring in Sports Administration here at LHU. I have chosen Lock Haven University because it had a well-known program for my major, a strong volleyball program, the location and size of the school. It has been a little bit of a struggle to adjust to being away from home, but I have slowly learned to get used to it and like it here.

In my free time I just love hanging out with my friends and doing and trying new things, and visiting new places. I love new experiences and opportunities. My favorite movie is the Pirates of the Caribbean. I also love watching sports; my favorite teams to watch are the Phillies and Eagles. I live with my Mom, Dad, and brother. My birthday is December 18. I love volleyball and am glad to be here at Lock Haven to continue playing the sport I love.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Cody

I'm Cody, an outside hitter on the team. I chose Lock Haven because I liked the volleyball program alot and it just felt right for me. I knew that I wanted to play volleyball and at LHU I could. Also, I really like the science department here, and I have alot of opportunities within my major. The staff here knows you by name and will help you with whatever you need. One of the best things about LHU is being an athlete, because everyone recognizes athletes here. Alot of people recognize volleyball players and support the team.



Thursday, September 13, 2012

Meet Sophomore Defensive Specialist- Beth

My name is Bethany Burns and I’m from Erie, PA. I am a Health Science Major and one day would like to become a sports medicine doctor. To keep this about me section short, sweet and to the point, I will list some nicknames my teammates have called me who know me too well; health nut, mom, garbage disposal, feisty, nerd, and little girl.
Now that you know I am an active, short girl who eats a lot of healthy food while taking care of people like a mom with a go-getting attitude and likes to do her homework, I can tell you I am a rising sophomore at LHU. I am a defensive specialist and I love to make plays for my teammates. To me, volleyball is thrilling because I am always challenged mentally and physically. Not only that, but volleyball is rewarding to me when I overcome the challenges of the game like reading a hitter or saving an out of system ball. These small tasks may seem conventional because they occur so often, but when you have five teammates on the floor, plus your remaining teammates on the bench, plus your coaches, plus the fans all depending on you, every play counts.

That dependency is what made me chose LHU in the first place. In our program we strive for excellence and everyone is depending on you to deliver excellence. The looming expectation is that every day we step into the gym we get better-no matter what. In the famous words of Dan, “It’s all about the process.”

It’s been a process for the team on and off the court. For me, my teammates are my friends off the court too. We eat (a lot) together. “Attempt” to study in the library for hours together. Watch movies when we are too sore to do anything else together. And we are always there for each other. It’s more than being friends. It’s more than being teammates. It’s being family. Being a part of the volleyball family is what I love about LHUP volleyball.