Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Lauren

My name is Lauren Dentler. I grew up in Mechanicsburg, PA and went to Cumberland Valley High School. I am a Health and Physical Education major with a minor in aquatics. I was looking for a school that had a great reputation for my major and for volleyball, which is why Lock Haven was such a great pick for me. My main passion is sports, ever since I was little I have always been a tomboy and been involved in many sports. I was definitely not a typically little girl who played with barbies or dolls, every hobby I had involved something athletic. I tried all sorts of sports growing up but my older brother, Andrew, introduced me to volleyball. I used to go to all of his games and be mesmerized by all of the kills he got during his matches. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I wanted to do exactly what he did. I wanted to experience the feeling of getting a point that I deserved, like he did. My brother's success playing Division I volleyball, has made my drive to improve much greater. Although it is great to get kills, it is amazing being part of such a great team like ours. I love everything about our team, from the hard work on the court to the great friendships we share outside of the gym. 


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