Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meet Freshman- Megan

Hi, My name is Megan Flick and I chose Lock Haven for some very great reasons. What I love about LHU is the class size and the individual academic attention you can get from your professors. So far I have had a great experience living on campus. Originally I was planning on staying home and commuting. My advice to anyone on the fence about staying on campus versus living at home, definitely go for the on campus route. I have made so many new friends and the activities on campus are endless. I feel like there is a sport or club that will fit every student.

I am also very enthusiastic about this volleyball season. I feel like Lock Haven volleyball is at a peak, being that the team had done so well last year and only graduated one starter. It is very exciting coming into a program that has such a strong base of returners. I am sure that the rest of our team is just as pumped as I am. It truly is an honor to become part of a team that has a great history and to be selected as a teammate that will help better the team no matter the role I may play.

Another reason I came to Lock Haven University is because it is very close to home. I like the fact that I am very close and can go home if needed. Now being here though, I feel that even if I didn't live close to LHU I would still love the choice because you really get to meet a lot of new people. There is a very homey atmosphere here and I am proud to be a Lock Haven Eagle, and proud to call Lock Haven my home.


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