Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meet Freshman- Megan

Hi, My name is Megan Flick and I chose Lock Haven for some very great reasons. What I love about LHU is the class size and the individual academic attention you can get from your professors. So far I have had a great experience living on campus. Originally I was planning on staying home and commuting. My advice to anyone on the fence about staying on campus versus living at home, definitely go for the on campus route. I have made so many new friends and the activities on campus are endless. I feel like there is a sport or club that will fit every student.

I am also very enthusiastic about this volleyball season. I feel like Lock Haven volleyball is at a peak, being that the team had done so well last year and only graduated one starter. It is very exciting coming into a program that has such a strong base of returners. I am sure that the rest of our team is just as pumped as I am. It truly is an honor to become part of a team that has a great history and to be selected as a teammate that will help better the team no matter the role I may play.

Another reason I came to Lock Haven University is because it is very close to home. I like the fact that I am very close and can go home if needed. Now being here though, I feel that even if I didn't live close to LHU I would still love the choice because you really get to meet a lot of new people. There is a very homey atmosphere here and I am proud to be a Lock Haven Eagle, and proud to call Lock Haven my home.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Meet Freshman Setter/Defensive Specialist- Jess

Hi! My name is Jessica Brown. I am a freshman at LHU. I was born and raised in Baltimore and moved to Fawn Grove when I was 10. Growing up I played volleyball, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and softball. Volleyball is the one that stuck though. I've been playing club and school ball since the 7th grade and ever since its been a passion. 

I chose LHU mostly because of volleyball and the program, but also because I want to major in physician assistant, and LHU has a strong PA program. I came from a very small high school, so to many people this may be a small campus, but it's rather large to me. Lock Haven has a very friendly environment and a lot of welcoming people, so I'm not too worried about the transition, but I'm glad I can finally say I'm part of the LHU family! 


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meet Sophomore Middle Blocker- Stephanie

Hey! My name is Stephanie Doherty and I am currently a sophmore here at Lock Haven University.  I have been playing volleyball since I was in 6th grade, and have been a middle hitter since 7th grade.  I grew up in Upper Darby township, which is right outside of Philadelphia, but eventually moved to East Earl, Lancaster County, going into 9th grade.  It was a huge change for me, but the volleyball program there was fantastic and that's how my volleyball career really started off.  I chose LHU because of the education program they have here.  I am majoring in Physical Education to become a gym/health teacher, and they provide a wonderful program with a very supportive staff in the PE department.  I love LHU because of how small both the campus and the sizes of the classes are.  If I have trouble with a certain subject, I can approach the teacher to have one on one help and they will know my name as well, which wouldn't occur at a college like Penn State.  It also takes about 5-10 minutes to get to class, so I just wake up 20 minutes before I have to be there because I love to sleep.  If there's one thing you'll learn about me quickly, it's that I sleep way too much, but that's fine with me :).


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Lauren

My name is Lauren Dentler. I grew up in Mechanicsburg, PA and went to Cumberland Valley High School. I am a Health and Physical Education major with a minor in aquatics. I was looking for a school that had a great reputation for my major and for volleyball, which is why Lock Haven was such a great pick for me. My main passion is sports, ever since I was little I have always been a tomboy and been involved in many sports. I was definitely not a typically little girl who played with barbies or dolls, every hobby I had involved something athletic. I tried all sorts of sports growing up but my older brother, Andrew, introduced me to volleyball. I used to go to all of his games and be mesmerized by all of the kills he got during his matches. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I wanted to do exactly what he did. I wanted to experience the feeling of getting a point that I deserved, like he did. My brother's success playing Division I volleyball, has made my drive to improve much greater. Although it is great to get kills, it is amazing being part of such a great team like ours. I love everything about our team, from the hard work on the court to the great friendships we share outside of the gym. 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Kaleigh

Hello my name is Kaleigh Hudak, I grew up in Bethlehem PA where I lived with my mother, brother, and sister. I went to Freedom High school and I absolutely loved my high school career. I played varsity volleyball and basketball for Freedom, as well as club volleyball for Court Authority.  Ever since I could remember I played some sort of a sport. My father was a great football player and his love for sports rubbed off on me, when I was little and every Friday night we would go to a football game. Then when I started to play volleyball I found a passion that I knew I wanted to keep pursuing after high school. 

The reason I chose Lock Haven was because they had a very competitive volleyball program and the girls made me feel so comfortable. I felt a part of the team before I even chose the school. The second reason I chose Lock Haven was because I wanted to study Secondary Education and the University has a great education program. I also liked the size of the school; at this university the class sizes are smaller so you get to know your professors and the other student in your classes. The last reason I chose the school was because it was a good distance away from home. I am very close with me family so I wanted to make sure I still had the option of going home if I needed to.

The reasons why I love Lock Haven are because most of the people here are extremely nice. My professors are very helpful and my team is like my second family. I also love the fact that it’s so different from home. Bethlehem is a big town compared to Lock Haven so it’s nice to be able to experience something new. I love Lock Haven and I am happy that I get to spend the next few years of my college career at this school.



Monday, September 17, 2012

Meet Sophomore Righside/Setter- Kendra

Hey everyone I'm Kendra Fetzer and I am a sophomore here at Lock Haven and I am majoring in psychology.  I lived in Howard, PA my whole life, and went to Bald Eagle Area High School.  I started playing volleyball my freshman year because my best friend wanted me to try it, I had no intentions of actually liking it at first, then once I started playing and realized how fun it was, I stuck with it.  I started club in the spring that year too and did that for the next four years as well.  I chose Lock Haven because I knew a lot of people that loved the school and said it was a very good institute, and I love the area.  When I started looking at the volleyball program I loved the atmosphere that was being created by all the girls.  We are a family and are all working for the same goal and have the same ambitions.  We are very competitive and strive for greatness, which is something I haven't every experienced before I joined this volleyball family.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meet Sophomore Middle Blocker- Toryn

I chose Lock Haven for a few different reasons. The main deciding factor was because of the girls on the team. When I came for my visit the girls on the team were so welcoming. They talked to me about anything I needed and they were all willing and happy to talk with me. The other schools I went to were not as welcoming. The coaching staff was so helpful also and Coach Justice called once a week just to chat. I also chose Lock Haven because of my major. It is one of the best schools for Athletic Training and the staff is very helpful with being a student athlete and athletic training major. The environment at the school is small and not too overwhelming. That made it more of a homey feeling and it was comfortable to come here even though I was 3 hours away from home. The girls on the team are like my family and we all get along. We are a very close team, and that is another thing I love about it here. Also the coaches are always there even if you need to just talk about something that has nothing to do with volleyball. They are so supportive everyone is and it is a great feeling to have. Some of the players on our team are from far away and can not see their families and I think that our team is like our second family, one away from home. I know that is the case for me.  I wasn't able to play my freshman year because I had back issues, but my team and coaches were there for me and very supportive through the whole process, when I got my procedures done they all contacted me and knowing that my team is there for me made it so much easier, and now I am very excited to get back into the game.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Meet Sophomore Rightside Hitter- Laura

My name is Laura Harris, and I am a sophomore here at LHU. Originally I was recruited as an outside hitter, and now at Lock Haven I am a right side hitter. I was born in Allentown, PA but moved to New Jersey when I was 5 and grew up there ever since. I started playing volleyball in the 5th grade, by the time I got to high school it was the first year my high school ever had a volleyball team. With help from family and friends, we helped create a volleyball program for Absegami High school. As a freshman I was voted captain, and was for the rest of the four years. I also ran track in high school and played club volleyball. My club team was also a new program when I was a freshman, East Coast Crush. I have graduated from Absegami High school, and made the long journey here to Lock Haven University.

I am majoring in Sports Administration here at LHU. I have chosen Lock Haven University because it had a well-known program for my major, a strong volleyball program, the location and size of the school. It has been a little bit of a struggle to adjust to being away from home, but I have slowly learned to get used to it and like it here.

In my free time I just love hanging out with my friends and doing and trying new things, and visiting new places. I love new experiences and opportunities. My favorite movie is the Pirates of the Caribbean. I also love watching sports; my favorite teams to watch are the Phillies and Eagles. I live with my Mom, Dad, and brother. My birthday is December 18. I love volleyball and am glad to be here at Lock Haven to continue playing the sport I love.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Meet Sophomore Outside Hitter- Cody

I'm Cody, an outside hitter on the team. I chose Lock Haven because I liked the volleyball program alot and it just felt right for me. I knew that I wanted to play volleyball and at LHU I could. Also, I really like the science department here, and I have alot of opportunities within my major. The staff here knows you by name and will help you with whatever you need. One of the best things about LHU is being an athlete, because everyone recognizes athletes here. Alot of people recognize volleyball players and support the team.



Thursday, September 13, 2012

Meet Sophomore Defensive Specialist- Beth

My name is Bethany Burns and I’m from Erie, PA. I am a Health Science Major and one day would like to become a sports medicine doctor. To keep this about me section short, sweet and to the point, I will list some nicknames my teammates have called me who know me too well; health nut, mom, garbage disposal, feisty, nerd, and little girl.
Now that you know I am an active, short girl who eats a lot of healthy food while taking care of people like a mom with a go-getting attitude and likes to do her homework, I can tell you I am a rising sophomore at LHU. I am a defensive specialist and I love to make plays for my teammates. To me, volleyball is thrilling because I am always challenged mentally and physically. Not only that, but volleyball is rewarding to me when I overcome the challenges of the game like reading a hitter or saving an out of system ball. These small tasks may seem conventional because they occur so often, but when you have five teammates on the floor, plus your remaining teammates on the bench, plus your coaches, plus the fans all depending on you, every play counts.

That dependency is what made me chose LHU in the first place. In our program we strive for excellence and everyone is depending on you to deliver excellence. The looming expectation is that every day we step into the gym we get better-no matter what. In the famous words of Dan, “It’s all about the process.”

It’s been a process for the team on and off the court. For me, my teammates are my friends off the court too. We eat (a lot) together. “Attempt” to study in the library for hours together. Watch movies when we are too sore to do anything else together. And we are always there for each other. It’s more than being friends. It’s more than being teammates. It’s being family. Being a part of the volleyball family is what I love about LHUP volleyball.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meet Junior Outside- Alex

My name is Alexandria Brehony and I am a junior here at Lock Haven University. I graduated from Brandywine Heights in Mertztown, PA.  I am majoring in Sports Administration and minoring in coaching. I am a member of the LHU volleyball team and newest addition to the basketball team. I chose to come to LHU because of the great volleyball program that has been here at LHU for many years. Another reason why I chose LHU was the great scenery of the campus and how diverse it is around campus. Lock Haven also is one of the few state schools that have my major and what I want to study exactly. 

One thing that I love about Lock Haven is that I feel right in at home and am a part of a great family being a part of the volleyball team. Another great thing about LHU is the great professors here that I have within my major and minor. They all care about my education and helping me out with anything that I need. I do not ever hesitate to ask any of them for help which is great.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Meet Senior Defensive Specialist- Monica

Hey everyone!

My name is Monica Brown; I’m a graduate student here at LHU and currently in my senior season of volleyball playing as a defensive specialist! I’m the proud daughter of Colin and Joi Brown and sister to Alex Brown. Both of my parents have built their lives and careers around the performing arts. My dad, Colin, is a choral director of Bryan High School in Omaha and is currently going back to his roots of singing professional opera. My mom, Joi, was a VP of programming and education for performing arts theatres for the majority of her professional career but has recently started a new track and started her own consulting business called 4Site. My brother Alex is two years younger and we couldn’t be more different; which is awesome! He is currently a student at Kansas University, a member of the Jewish fraternity, and a part time DJ. We were born and raised throughout Wisconsin, mostly in Green Bay and then moved to Omaha, Nebraska when I was in high school. I graduated from Omaha Central High School, also as an Eagle, and then attended Iowa Western Community College for two years. During my time at Iowa Western, our volleyball team went to the NJCAA National Championship both years and placed 4th and 6th.  My freshmen year I was a Sign Language Interpreting major and then ended up switching to general studies because the Interpreting program was switched to a three year track.

Sometime in my sophomore year at IWCC I figured out that I wanted to major in Sport Administration so I started my search of 4-year schools with accredited programs. Through my search I found Cal U, Slippery Rock, and Lock Haven University all of which I had, then, gotten in contact with the volleyball coaches. I was interested in all three so my mom and I decided to come on a visit, so in one weekend we flew out to PA and visited all three schools. I really liked all three but something about Lock Haven just felt like the right fit. I really liked the campus, coaches and the girls I met from the team.

Upon my arrival at LHU in the fall of 2010 I immediately felt like a part of the team. Preseason was going well and it was looking like I would earn a spot as a defensive specialist. Then I received the devastating news that not all my credits transferred in from IWCC so I was 5 credits short and ineligible. I tried everything I could to gain eligibility but there was no way around it so I ended up red-shirting that season. I was very eager to be able to compete that spring and then the next two fall seasons! The following fall season started off strong as well until early on in the season I hurt my knee... I continued to play on it since nothing serious showed up. Then, the practice before our first home game I dove after a ball and didn’t get back up. I ended up partially tearing my PCL mid-season. Luckily for our team we had a very skilled freshman, Bethany, to fill in in the back row that performed excellently the rest of the season!

Academically I was on track to walk at graduation in May 2012 and receive my diploma at the end of the summer. This left me to figure out what to do about my fifth year of eligibility for volleyball. I love Lock Haven volleyball and what our program represents so I couldn’t imagine not fulfilling my eligibility. I decided to start my graduate degree and work as a graduate assistant for the Student Rec Center in order to be able to play my senior season. I’m more than happy with my decision to stay and play at Lock Haven and with the advantages that I’ll have professionally with a master’s degree.

I never imagined I would end up at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania playing volleyball and getting my bachelors and masters degrees, but I’m so glad that it’s worked out for me here at LHU and I wouldn’t trade my experiences here for anything!

Thanks for the support of LHUVB!!!


-Monica Brown


Monday, September 10, 2012

Meet Senior Setter- Alexa

Hi my name is Alexa Garrity and I am an Elementary Education major at Lock Haven University. I am going into my senior year so I will be entering my professional semester, or block as it is otherwise known. I live in the small town of Chichester, PA which is about 15 minutes south of Philadelphia. I have a younger brother who is 16 years old, my mom who is a social worker, my dad who is a refinery operator, and a dog named Cody.


One of the reasons I chose Lock Haven University is the competitive volleyball team. I was recruited by coach Justice and when I visited the school I fell in love with it. The size, the location, and the girls on the team were everything I was looking for in a college. Upon entering my freshman year I unfortunately got injured so I red-shirted for the year. The team has been very successful the past few years making it to the NCAA regional tournament every year since I have been a member and I am extremely excited for this upcoming year to see our team grow together and make it even further then we have in the past.


One thing I love most about Lock Haven is the fact that my teammates have become some of my best friends throughout the years and I consider them to be family. Being able to maintain such good friendships with girls I just met means the world to me and made my transition from high school to college very smooth, it has also helped on the court a lot because we can connect so well. I know I will remain friends with these girls for a lifetime and I'm grateful for that. Overall I am really happy I chose Lock Haven University to attend; I am coming out of the school with a degree for something I am going to love doing for the rest of my life, a successful 4 years with my teammates on the volleyball court, and friends that I will have forever.




Sunday, September 9, 2012

Meet Senior Outside- Gao Xuan

Hi, my name is Xuan, people started to call me the X after half season of my freshman year since my name is a little hard to pronounce. In the year 2009, coach Justice recruited me all the way from China. I'm a senior at lock haven university now, doing duel major accounting and management concentration of business administration. After I graduate, I would try to find a job here in the US, or maybe trying to get a master degree.

I started to play volleyball when I was 17, it's a little late. Since i can jump 10 feet high, my high school coach let me concentrate on front row, even I was play back row, but not really doing anything there. Even today, my passing and defense are not as good as my hitting. I had a lot of fun by playing volleyball here, we worked out toghter and we accomplish our goals toghter. We learned a lot of teamworking and I'm really proud of this program here. But 3 times all American is not as exited as going to nationals which has been our goals all the time.

During my free time, I spend most of that on the internet by chating my friends and my family, and sometimes I like to swim a little bit. During vacation time, I like to take a trip to somewhere I have never been with my family.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Meet...Junior Middle- Bailey

     Hey guys! I would like to formally introduce myself, I'm Bailey Farthing :). My teammates refer to me as the Country loving City Slicker and Dan just calls me Bfart. When im not busting out a million sprints in the gym, I'm busy trying new food recipes with my friends, finding any excuse to blow money with my mom, or begging my father to play me a song or even just teach me how to play a guitar.

     I have been playing volleyball since the 7th grade and knew I was going to be a one sport kind of girl right then and there. I started competing at the club level in 8th grade and found my home with Columbus Volleyball Academy where my team and I qualified for Nationals two years in a row. My highschool career can be summed up with 3 Conference championships, 3 District championships, and a State runner-up medal hanging off of my bed post.

     One of the greatest things I took away from all of my years of experience was the power in just believing. Belief in our abilities and the belief in eachother. My teammates and I became fighters, gradually pushing closer and closer to our end goals, with the most rewarding and unforgettable results. I am extremely grateful to be apart of the Lock Haven Legacy, and to be able to bring my fight and drive to this team so LHVB can also reach our highest potential. It is amazing that I am able to play the game I love for a great school. I have absolutely no clue how to begin to repay my thanks for the overwhelming opportunity I have been given.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Meet- Senior Libero, Erin

Hello I'm Erin Walsh. I'm majoring in sport administration and pursuing a minor in coaching. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is where I am from and went to Bethlehem Catholic High School. Volleyball and sports in general is my passion. The main reason I chose Lock Haven is because of the strength of the volleyball program, the size of the school, it offered a major that I saw myself persevering in and it's a beautiful place to be. Lock Haven is a lot different then Bethlehem and I thought that it would be a huge struggle for me to get used to, but It ended up being a place where I love. Now I cant see myself not living here. Volleyball here at lock haven is competitive, successful, well known, truly like no other team I've ever been on. We are family here, we are all in this together, all want the same thing, to be successful and to have fun. This university and volleyball program has truly been the best experience of my life and I'm so thankful for this opportunity that I was given.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Meet and Greet Series- Grace

Hello Lock Haven Volleyball family!


My name is Grace and I am a senior at Lock Haven University and one of the current middle blockers for the team.  I was born in West Des Moines, Iowa, but grew up right outside of the Pittsburgh area.  When I started playing volleyball in junior high, I was coached by Christa Harmotto, who is now on the U.S. Olympic volleyball team!  In high school, I played volleyball, basketball, ran track, and played club volleyball.  My club team was Pittsburgh Renaissance.  I graduated from Hopewell High School fourth in my class and made a smooth transition to Lock Haven, where I enjoy participating in the Honors Program.  My major is Sport Administration, and my minors are Coaching and Sport & Exercise Psychology.


In my small amount of free time, I like to go for runs on the levee by the Susquehanna River, read, watch superhero movies (my favorites are Spiderman and Captain America), and hang out with friends.  My best friends are my three sisters, and my birthday is on the 4th of July!  My favorite things about volleyball are getting a great block and laughing with my teammates.  Also, I love getting assists to anyone on the team.  If I wasn't a middle blocker I would definitely want to be a setter.  An interesting fact about me is that I am currently the tallest girl in the conference, at 6'3".  Yes, it is very hard to find pants that are long enough, but I assume a lot of the past and current players can empathize with me.


I think the best parts about Lock Haven are the close-knit community and the overall friendly and welcoming atmosphere of the school.  Since I am a senior, this fall will be my last season of playing a sport.  After I graduate, I hope to pursue my dream of being a Sport Psychologist by attending graduate school.


Thanks for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you at games and other LHU functions! :)

