Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meet Junior Outside- Alex

My name is Alexandria Brehony and I am a junior here at Lock Haven University. I graduated from Brandywine Heights in Mertztown, PA.  I am majoring in Sports Administration and minoring in coaching. I am a member of the LHU volleyball team and newest addition to the basketball team. I chose to come to LHU because of the great volleyball program that has been here at LHU for many years. Another reason why I chose LHU was the great scenery of the campus and how diverse it is around campus. Lock Haven also is one of the few state schools that have my major and what I want to study exactly. 

One thing that I love about Lock Haven is that I feel right in at home and am a part of a great family being a part of the volleyball team. Another great thing about LHU is the great professors here that I have within my major and minor. They all care about my education and helping me out with anything that I need. I do not ever hesitate to ask any of them for help which is great.

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